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Оплата і доставка


We will deliver your parcels wherever and whenever you want. 
It is safe, fast and affordable.

— FoxPost
— Magyar Posta


The delivery fee to our shop is determined by the weight of the products in the basket:

  • between 0 kg and 31,5 kg 600 HUF including VAT
  • between 31,51 kg and 99,99 kg 1400 HUF including VAT
  • above 100 kg 2800 HUF including VAT


There are several payment methods available in our webstore. Pick the one that is most convenient for you.

— By cash/bank card in our store
— Via online card
— Cash on delivery
— Apple Pay
— Google Pay
— Purchase via PayPal

Money refund - The most common refund methods

Are you withdrawing from the contract within the 30-day deadline, or do we need to refund your money for a different reason? In this case, the amount paid will be refunded via the same method as you have paid for the products. In the folllowing, we describe you the steps.


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